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Please refer to our new blog. Please be informed that we only supplies of Edible Printer, Ink, Paper & Edible Image Printing Services with immediate effect. 

click this link to redirected to our new blog.

Thank you for all your support to Bayu Takzim

Bayu Edible Printer

Ingin memiliki Edible Printer??

Edible Image Printer

2 Chocs in Gold Box - Order by Iera

Assalamualaikum wbt..
jom lihat tempahan dari Pn Iera nih..

Bayu Homemade Chocolate

Edible Image Order - Nurul

Assalamualakum wbt..
Edible Image yang telah ditempah oleh Nurul..
Edible Image Print

Order Edible Image - Suhaney

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Ini sebahagian gambar Edible Image yang telah diorder dari Cik Suhaney utk menghiasi kek harijadi customer die..tqvm :)

Edible Image Print

Hand Bouquet Choc

Assalamualaikum wbt semua,
Ni Bayu perkenalkan produk yg baru ye..seswai dijadikan hadiah samada utk graduation, hari ibu, bapa, cikgu etc.

Homemade Chocolate